Factory price plant vegetable pumpkin seed pea peanut walnut flaxseed brown rice almond soy hemp protei
Factory price plant vegetable pumpkin seed pea peanut walnut flaxseed brown rice almond soy hemp protei

Pumpkin seed protein comes from the mature seeds of Cucurbita moschata (Duch.)Poiret. Pumpkin seeds are rich in nutrients, containing about 50% fat and 30% ~ 40% protein. wholesale supply organic pumpkin seed protein powder 1.Pumpkin seed protein powder can be used as a nutritional supplement to make up for the deficiency of essential amino acids (especially lysine) in cereals.It can also be used as an additive in baked goods to improve product flavor and nutrition. 2.Pumpkin seed protein powder is also used in meat products with higher grades, which not only improves the texture and flavor of meat products, but also improves the protein content and strengthens vitamins. 3.Pumpkin seed protein powder is also used in drinks. Pumpkin seed protein is mixed with glutinous rice flour, japonica rice flour and potato starch to prepare pumpkin seed powder infusion drink. wholesale supply organic pumpkin seed protein powder 1.Pumpkin seed protein can promote the synthesis of immunoglobulin and effectively enhance humoral immunity. 2.Amygdalin can prevent and treat diabetes caused by the anti - tumor drug arbazide. 3.Pumpkin seed protein can improve sperm motility, improve sperm quality, promote sperm fertilization ability, and provide kinetic energy for sperm movement. 4.Pumpkin seed protein is different from common plant protein in that it contains a large amount of glutamate.
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